Government Job Cover Letter Template

A useful tip: If you'd like to work for the government, there are a number of jobs available from the entry level to the professional tier and in many different areas such as clerical, legal, engineering, technical, and so on. So target your cover letter to the department that interests you. This information is available at There you will find the addresses for the various jobs ready to be filled. For example, perhaps there is a position open for an office automation clerk with the Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. The following letter can help you start the process.

Job Search Jimmy

WARNING: Don't apply for another without adding your own customized interview-getting "secret sentence" to the top of your cover letter...

Free Career Quiz Creates Your
"Secret Sentence" That Lands Interviews Like Crazy...

... 99.9% of all job seekers don't have a clue about this... not a clue! You're about to receive an unusual, eye-grabbing, fully "customized for you" secret sentence you can quickly add to the TOP of your cover letter... and it's free!

Question #1

Are you a man or a woman?

Job Search Jimmy

WARNING: Don't apply for another without adding your own customized interview-getting "secret sentence" to the top of your cover letter...

Free Career Quiz Creates Your
"Secret Sentence" That Lands Interviews Like Crazy...

... 99.9% of all job seekers don't have a clue about this... not a clue! You're about to receive an unusual, eye-grabbing, fully "customized for you" secret sentence you can quickly add to the TOP of your cover letter... and it's free!

Question #1

Are you a man or a woman?

Randall Job Searcher
907 Lincoln Street
Any Town, USA 11111
Home: (777) 777-7777
Cell: (222) 222-2222
[email protected]

May 8, 20--

Mr. Jacob Watson
Hiring Manager
Department of Agriculture
Forest Service
300 Redwood Highway
Big Town, USA 99999

Dear Mr. Watson:

I saw on an opening for a position as an office automation clerk for the Forest Service. I was pleased to discover this opportunity for employment since I am dedicated to supporting the work this agency does to preserve our forests.

I'm aware this job will challenge me to be part of the team that manages and cares for more than 193 million acres of our nation's magnificent lands, to help conduct research through a network of forest and land stations and the Forest Products Laboratory, as well as provide assistance to private and State forestry agencies.

I liked what I read on the website regarding this job. "It's an awesome responsibility, but the rewards are as limitless as the views."

My enclosed resume will provide an overview of my work experience during the past decade in the area of clerical duties, which have been wide and varied.

I realize you may receive many applications for this position, but I hope you will give thought to mine and offer me the opportunity to be interviewed.

I believe I have the traits you are looking for in the person you hire for this government job––flexibility, ability to work well with a team, typing skill at 40 wpm, and a sincere interest in the mission and goals of the Forest Service—to care for and preserve our nation's forests.

Thank you for reading my cover letter and considering me for this position. I'd welcome meeting you, if possible. If you'd like to interview me in person or by phone, please call me at 777-777-7777.


Randall Job Searcher

One more hint: Be certain the cover letter you write for a government job you hope to land is personable, sincere, and professional. Mention your interest, your skills, and your education, especially if you have at least one year of clerical office training. The cover letter should fit your unique personality so it will resonate with the hiring manager who reads it.

Job Search Jimmy

WARNING: Don't apply for another without adding your own customized interview-getting "secret sentence" to the top of your cover letter...

Free Career Quiz Creates Your
"Secret Sentence" That Lands Interviews Like Crazy...

... 99.9% of all job seekers don't have a clue about this... not a clue! You're about to receive an unusual, eye-grabbing, fully "customized for you" secret sentence you can quickly add to the TOP of your cover letter... and it's free!

Question #1

Are you a man or a woman?

Job Search Jimmy

WARNING: Don't apply for another without adding your own customized interview-getting "secret sentence" to the top of your cover letter...

Free Career Quiz Creates Your
"Secret Sentence" That Lands Interviews Like Crazy...

... 99.9% of all job seekers don't have a clue about this... not a clue! You're about to receive an unusual, eye-grabbing, fully "customized for you" secret sentence you can quickly add to the TOP of your cover letter... and it's free!

Question #1

Are you a man or a woman?

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